Dedicated support you can rely on for your business

Find answers to the most frequently asked questions about CareCredit's financing solution.

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Need help?

We're here to answer all your questions related to CareCredit.

Getting Started

Why do I need to accept the CareCredit credit card if I already accept general-purpose credit cards?

Why should I recommend CareCredit to my patients or clients?

How do I get started?

What type of businesses and practices does CareCredit work with?


Financing Options

What financing options does CareCredit offer?

Can I select special financing offers for my practice?


Patient and Client Experience

How do my patients or clients apply for a CareCredit credit card?

How do my patients or clients pay?

What will my patients or clients pay?


Enrolled Provider

What are the processing fees for my practice?

How and when will I be paid?

What if my patients or clients don't pay their bills?


Provider Support

What type of support does CareCredit offer enrolled providers?

Where can I access marketing materials?


Contact us

We’re here to help you get started or answer your questions related to CareCredit. Please complete the form below to connect with a member of our team.
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* CareCredit Path to Care Findings, 2022.
** Subject to the representations and warranties in the Agreement with Synchrony.