Exploring ways to increase practice revenue
Learn valuable tips on how to help increase your average ticket, expand patient volume, improve efficiencies and reduce costs.
By Synchrony, Health & Wellness
Posted Oct 01, 2021 - 27:41 min podcast

Series 3: Preparing for the future - Episode 1: Exploring ways to increase practice revenue
Certain megatrends within the economy, demands of healthcare and insurance carriers are reshaping the future of ophthalmic care. Change is inevitable coming and providers will need to continue to adapt their approach to business. This first episode explores three key strategies that may help providers continue long term profitability. This valuable conversation covers ways to increase your average ticket, expand patient volume and help your practice improve efficiencies and reduce costs. Patty Casebolt, Chief Quality Officer at Medical Eye Center and Keith Casebolt, CEO at Medical Eye Center, also share how to best implement these revenue boosting changes for long term profitability and get team buy-in to maximize success.