Ophthalmic provider survey: insights into revenue trends
Trends and patient communication concerning PIOLs, patient payment strategies for integrating effective patient financing solutions.
By Synchrony, Health & Wellness
Posted Jul 01, 2020 - 3 min read

As ophthalmic professionals strive to achieve specific business goals and improve patient communications, understanding the strategies of peers can help identify best practices and possible ways to improve conversion rates. This report provides valuable insights into revenue trends and communication of premium IOLs. It also highlights patient payment channels and ways to integrate effective patient financing solutions.
Conducted by Market Scope, this survey reflects responses responses from 1,976 US ophthalmic surgeons, all of whom accept the CareCredit health and wellness credit card at their practice. Responses were received via an online survey in Q3 2019 and represent professionals working in both individual and group settings from locations owned and operated by surgeons (vs corporations or institutions). All individual responses are confidential and we thank those who participated.