About Rite Aid

Rite Aid Programs

wellness65+ Benefits
A free program created just for seniors with benefits designed to help them enjoy every day of their life. Including 20% off on wellness65+ Wednesdays, a FREE pharmacist consultation and so much more.
20% OFF in-store and online on wellness65+ Wednesdays1
The first Wednesday of every month is dedicated to senior events and savings including:
- 20% off non-prescription purchases that day for all wellness65+ members
- Special monthly activities with a different health topic each month
- Featured products and information just for seniors
FREE Pharmacist Consultation
Every wellness65+ member has the opportunity to receive a consultation with a pharmacist. The consultation will include a review of:
- Your Medications
- Your Immunization Needs
- Free Pharmacy Services
- Free Blood Pressure Screening
- Medicare Part D Questions
Learn more at Rite Aid
1. wellness65+. Must be 65 or older to join. wellness+ and enrollment in wellness65+ required for 20% wellness65+ Wednesday discount. When used with sale priced item, the customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. Discount not valid on tax, shipping, tobacco products, alcohol, gift cards, lottery tickets, licenses, money orders, money transfers, newspapers, prepaid cards, stamps, other mail services, dairy products, prescriptions and prescription copays, items distributed by RediClinic™ and items prohibited by law. Please see full program details at https://www.riteaid.com/wellness/wellness65
CareCredit does not provide, endorse, recommend, warrant or take responsibility for this program or for any resulting fulfilment or customer service.
1. wellness65+. Must be 65 or older to join. wellness+ and enrollment in wellness65+ required for 20% wellness65+ Wednesday discount. When used with sale priced item, the customer will receive the lower of the discount price or sale price. Discount not valid on tax, shipping, tobacco products, alcohol, gift cards, lottery tickets, licenses, money orders, money transfers, newspapers, prepaid cards, stamps, other mail services, dairy products, prescriptions and prescription copays, items distributed by RediClinic™ and items prohibited by law. Please see full program details at https://www.riteaid.com/wellness/wellness65
CareCredit does not provide, endorse, recommend, warrant or take responsibility for this program or for any resulting fulfilment or customer service.
Learn More
We've compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help you locate a Rite Aid drug store nearest you, or find out more about qualifying purchases at Rite Aid using your CareCredit account.