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The primary font family of the CareCredit online brand presence is Myriad Pro. Please refer to the specific website sections for details on usage, weights and sizing.

Myriad Pro

Paragraph — faucibus mollis interdum. Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Fusce dapibus, tellus ac cursus commodo, tortor mauris condimentum nibh, ut fermentum massa justo sit amet risus. Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus.


CareCredit's voice is professional yet approachable. It's straightforward, transparent, and helpful. We want to come across as a trustworthy source of information that encourages our customers to use our product in a way that is beneficial to their lives.

We do this by sounding human instead of corporate. We use common, everyday words that our customers understand because they use them themselves in their own conversations with family, friends and coworkers.

Whenever possible we use phrases like: "nose job" instead of "rhinoplasty" ;"6-month check-up" instead of "dental appointments"; and "doctor" instead of "provider". Our choice of words is friendly, popular and conversational.

Our primary goal is to be helpful, to educate and to encourage the ongoing use of CareCredit in people's lives. While the purpose of healthcare financing may be easy-to-understand, its underlying financial considerations are not for many people. For this reason, we use language that educates and encourages without talking down, or overwhelming with financial terminology. By doing so, we empower people to feel in control of their credit and of their health.

CareCredit is:

  • Familiar but not informal
  • Professional but not corporate
  • Helpful but not patronizing


Voice and tone are different. You can say the same thing in two different scenarios, but convey something entirely different just by how you say it. For instance, the way you say "no, thank you" to an offer for more sushi at an all-you-can eat restaurant is different than how you might express a "no thank you!" to your boss when she asks if you want to take on another project.

That is what we mean by tone, and it works the same way on our website.

Our tone is encouraging, uplifting and positive. We want people to dream of the possibilities of using CareCredit — how it will make them feel afterwards, how it will improve their wellbeing, how it will improve their life. But we also want to convey the trustworthiness behind our product. For this, we demonstrate empathy and appreciation for how they might be feeling when they come to our website.

To do this, we must always put our reader's state of mind first. Is he anxious because he can't pay his medical bills up-front? Relieved to have found a way to pay for treatments that will improve his life in some way? Excited that he can live his best life? Frustrated that he doesn't understand how financing works? Mad that he can't log in?

By putting yourself in your reader's shoes you can express the information you need to convey appropriately while still maintaining CareCredit's professional and personable voice.

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