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Metabolism and weight loss: Why to focus on metabolism health instead

Chasing after a fast metabolism may not be the silver bullet with weight loss, but you can still boost health with these simple techniques.

Posted October 28, 2021

Smiling woman looking at herself in a mirror

The truth is that chasing after a fast metabolism may not help with weight loss. But you can boost your health and benefit your metabolism a little with these simple techniques.

Imagine the effortlessness of losing weight if it was as simple as flipping a switch — and just like that, your body magically burns energy more efficiently. Instagram ads1 and grocery store shelves feature plenty of products that promise to do just that by boosting your body’s metabolism. But the reality is that metabolism is much more complicated.

How does metabolism work?

Each individual’s metabolism — the process by which the body converts food into energy2 — is largely determined by their genes. So your metabolism is more or less a set point, and it’s going to be different for different people.3

“Even when we are not doing anything at all, metabolism is still going to keep the body functioning at what is called the basal metabolic rate. This rate varies from person to person,” says Emily Wunder, MSCN, RD, LDN, a registered dietitian and creator of Healthier Taste, a website of nutritious recipes. “So, while it may not seem fair, the person next to you may naturally burn more calories than you do, while you are both doing nothing.” Other factors affecting metabolism include aging (metabolism slows with age) and gender, since men generally have a higher metabolic rate than women.4

Weight loss and metabolism

The irony of thinking of metabolism as a weight-loss solution is that weight-loss efforts can actually slow your metabolism. “One very common way this happens is when people skip meals or skip eating for a prolonged period to lose weight,” says Wunder. You may lose weight at first, but when your body is deprived of food, it will start to react accordingly. “Our bodies are smart,” says Wunder. “When we’re in a state of starvation, the body will hold onto fat rather than burning it — and over time, this leads to more stored fat and a slower metabolic rate.”

How to focus on a healthy metabolism

Instead of thinking of metabolism as a quick fix for weight loss (hint: quick fixes don’t actually exist), try focusing on your health instead. Changes to your lifestyle may help increase your metabolism a little, but more importantly will improve your well-being and help you get fitter — and that’s more essential than losing weight. After all, you’re not a number on a scale. Your pant size? It really doesn’t matter. Try these techniques for feeling more energetic, more rested, and healthier, whether you have a speedy metabolism or not.

Exercise and metabolism. Hitting the gym or taking exercise classes at home are excellent ways to stay fit and healthy. But every little bit of motion helps, particularly in our largely sedentary culture. “Beyond intentional exercise, overall activity level can play a role in your metabolism,” Wunder says. “If you move more throughout the day in small ways, over time these actions will add up and support metabolism.” Try parking far from the door at the grocery store, taking the stairs, walking on your lunch break and stretching throughout the day.5

Weightlifting and metabolism. Research has shown that strength training helps maintain muscle mass. “A higher muscle mass is associated with a higher metabolic rate,” Wunder explains. Since muscle mass decreases as we age, so can metabolism, not to mention strength. So try adding weight lifting to your workout routine for all its benefits.6

Sleep and metabolism. It’s no secret that getting enough shut-eye at night is key to staying healthy, and that goes for your metabolism, too. Clocking quality sleep will help maintain your metabolic rate. One study found that just a few nights of sleep deprivation can make people feel less full after eating. It also showed that sleep-deprived people metabolize the fat in food differently.7 So get your rest! Your body will thank you.

Metabolism-boosters. Finally, remember that products that purport to increase your metabolism are no miracle fix. “The hype of these products seems great, but the research behind them is limited,” Wunder says. “Many of these products have substances in them that we already have in the body, like amino acids and minerals. Adding more of them does not have conclusive results on impacting metabolism and weight.” Caffeine is a common ingredient, which can have an impact on metabolism, but some caffeine levels in such products may be unsafe. Wunder recommends consulting your doctor before trying these types of products.

Ultimately, the best thing you can do for yourself is to stop worrying about your metabolism, and just live a healthy lifestyle. “It’s silly to stress yourself over something that cannot really be changed,” Wunder says. “There’s no set switch to speed up metabolism, but lifestyle changes over time have an impact.”

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1Guzzo, Bianca. (2019). Why Celebrities Selling Diet Products on Instagram Is a Really Bad Thing. Refinery 29. Retrieved from
2What Exactly Is Metabolism? The Mayo Clinic Diet, Mayo Clinic. Accessed December 2020. Retrieved from
3Douglas, Scott. (2020, January 13). Can You Really Change Your Metabolism? The Washington Post. Retrieved from
4Douglas, Scott. (2020, January 13). Can You Really Change Your Metabolism? The Washington Post. Retrieved from
5The Truth About Metabolism. Harvard Men’s Health Watch, Harvard Health Publishing. Accessed December 2020. Retrieved from
6Nie, Jinlei. (2019, February 1). Strength Training Improves Metabolic Health Markers in Older Individual Regardless of Training Frequency. Frontiers in Physiology. Retrieved from
7Ness, Kelly M. (2019, November 1). Four nights of sleep restriction suppress the postprandial lipemic response and decrease satiety. Journal of Lipid Research. Retrieved from

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