Having trouble with your account?
Different approaches to having a financial conversation with your patient and looking at the patient journey.
The importance of providing multiple financing options and how having those important financial conversations can help you to achieve your business goals.
Identify the importance of mapping the patient journey and deliver a more effective continuum of care.
How to use video content effectively and boost your SEO to attract more patients.
These tips will help you have supportive conversations and ongoing communication with your patients or clients about cost and payment.
A landing page helps answer questions about CareCredit and educate your patients or clients on how to pay over time.
A guide to presenting CareCredit, financing options, addressing hesitations, and handling declines.
Growth trends in the 65+ population and their need for hearing health solutions.
The CareCredit health and wellness credit card gives you a convenient, flexible way to pay for care for the whole family—including pets.
What providers can do to better connect and optimize opportunity with Active Aging patients.
Tips on how to approach this critical step in the patient journey.
Tips on increasing referrals from a diverse group of doctorpreneurs.
Ways patients or clients can apply for CareCredit.
Why add CareCredit as a payment option and three misperceptions about CareCredit.
Understanding the core motivations for consumer loyalty and what it mean for your healthcare practice.
Best practices for creating an environment that engages, educates, empowers and enables patients to get the care they need and want.
Insights into the consumer decision making process to purchase healthcare products and services.
Insights into how consumer research, choose, pay for, and think about healthcare today.
Understanding the core motivations for consumer loyalty and what it may mean for your healthcare practice.